July 5, 2021
Hitachi Transport System, Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has received the Advanced Technology Award for its "reduction of environmental load through the operation of SMART WAREHOUSE (shared automated warehouse for EC logistics)" at the 22nd Logistics Environment Awards sponsored by the Japan Association for Logistics and Transport.
Our SMART WAREHOUSE are characterized by: (1) operating the logistics operations of multiple EC business operators on a single platform; (2) sharing automation and labor-saving equipment, information systems, storage and workspace, and administrators and workers; and (3) packaging together and providing the data linkage, inventory storage, packing operations, and shipping operations necessary for EC logistics.
This year's award was given in recognition of the fact that these three features have improved the efficiency of logistics and reduced CO2 emissions by 74 tons per year (*), a 30% reduction compared to the previous system, thus contributing to the reduction of environmental load.
*Based on trial calculations of the comparative effects of operating individual logistics sites for the approximately 30 companies currently under contract.
Under the corporate philosophy “to deliver high-quality services that will help make the world a better place for people and nature for generations to come,” the Hitachi Transport System Group strives to achieve sustainable society by solving issues and creating “values” through various “collaborative innovation.”
Hitachi Transport System, Ltd.
Sustainability Promotion Department, Corporate Strategy Office TEL:+81-3-6263-2831
Public Relations Department TEL:+81-3-6263-2803