Collaborative Innovation
LOGISTEED CAFÉ is a node linking logistics and new possibilities.
Expectations for logistics companies are increasing due to the sophistication and diversity of customers' needs that come with changes such as the progress of globalization and the expansion of the EC market. But at the same time, the environment in which logistics companies work is seeing major changes such as a labor shortage due to the decreasing birthrate and aging population.
In this greatly changing society, nobody has a definite reply to the questions of what answer is right and what path should be taken.
For that very reason, we believe truly open and transparent relationships will create discussions unimpeded by preconceived ideas and create new innovation.
LOGISTEED CAFÉ is a "node for possibilities" where you can encounter the logistics services fostered by LOGISTEED and create innovation through various activities.
Toward the future
Logistics and its peripheral businesses will support supply chains that are the foundations of society and industry.
By meeting society's expectations and the demands of the age, we will proactively take the lead on various issues in supply chains and contribute to achieve a sustainable society.
Create an industrial infrastructure for the next generation
For a society where one can work and live with peace of mind
Fulfill the mission of social infrastructure
For logistics that is friendly to the planet
Collaborative innovation partners
LOGISTEED is developing with many partners the innovative efforts and solutions that advance logistics and supply chains.