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April 24, 2024

New Feature of the Driving Risk Assessment is Added to
Safety Operation Management Solution, SSCV®-Safety
―Supporting accident prevention through drivers’ health condition data―

LOGISTEED, Ltd. has launched new function for safety operation management solution, SSCV®-Safety, aiming for zero accidents through technology. The new feature enables to assess increasing the driving risk based on drivers’ daily health condition data.

1.Background of new feature and its purpose

In recent years, the number of accidents caused by truck drivers’ health issues has been increasing steadily and becoming a social issue in Japan. According to the data about the health related accidents reported to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, about two-thirds of accident cases in which drivers died were due to heart disease, such as cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, brain disease, or great vessel disease account for the majority.(*1) If drivers developed these diseases while driving, it will cause serious traffic accident. In order to reduce these risks as much as possible, it will be effective to keep track of the drivers’ health condition on a daily basis besides of the results of annual health check-up. However, it is difficult for operations managers to make decision or to provide instructions with accurate drivers’ health condition data.

SSCV-Safety has three functions to support transportation safety: Forecast, Watch over and Review. The new feature utilizes drivers’ health condition data from the Forecast function, and the system notifies operations manager increasing the driving risks based on the results of daily blood pressure and interview regarding fatigue. This function supports operations managers to take measures while communicating with drivers.

(*1) Reference; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Status of health-related accidents occurrence and prevention efforts of health-related accidents (2022 Commercial vehicle health-related accident prevention council) Statistics from 2013 to 2021

If the customer who has already used the Forecasting feature, this function is added for free.

2.The feature of new function

・Using blood pressure values and interview results accumulated over a month, it assesses increasing the driving risks. (*2)
・When a risk driver is identified, operations manager will be notify via dashboard.
・Operations manager and the drivers are able to check results and leave some comments.
・Drivers who wish to check more detailed info will be advised to refer to external website.

(*2) Reference; Health-related accidents, death from overwork, and traffic accidents issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Japan trucking association. Judgement is based on manuals and guidelines related to these measures.

【Check items】
Blood pressure determination: Using data from the blood pressure value (systolic/diastolic) of each driver accumulated over a month.
Interview results determination: Using data from each driver’s interview about their fatigue when results worsen over a certain period.

3.Effect of installation

・Based on a certain amount of the drivers’ health condition data and obtaining increased driving risks, and it prevents health-related accidents.
・Since assessed driving risk data on objective indicators is provided, operations manager can properly warn drivers without overlooking during roll calls.
・It encourages to have a conversation between drivers and operations manager about driving risk while drivers can aware of their own health conditions.

 Under the slogan "Safety for all transport," SSCV-Safety uses the power of technology, and prevents the occurrence of accident and provides services that bring safety to transport sites. We aim for zero accident society and continue to strive to improve our services.

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